An introduction of Liechi's site

Liechi Zhang · 2017/04/29

blogdown Hugo Github Netlify RStudio

My website is generated by Hugo through blogdown. The files used to build the site are hosted in a repository on Github, and published to webpages by Netlify. My posts are written with RStudio, in which the addins make it easy and natural to start writing. This site is an adaption of Yihui’s site, that is to say, if you are interested in how it is built, you can refer to the excellent introduction by Yihui about the technical details.

In my work, I spend lots of time trying to understand how plants pattern their cells, especially the patterning of stem cells and non-stem cells. I generate transgenic lines (or GMO, to frighten a few), perform live imaging (most of which are time-lapse), and apply a variety of molecular biology and biochemistry approaches to achive my goal. I am also interested in the DNA, RNA sequecing techniques and data analysis skills.

In my spare time, I like reading books and watching sports, maybe now I can add blogging on the list. You can tell my preference of books and the way of thinking from my posts. I will also write research related stuff, mainly on how plants build up their body, advances in the field of live imaging and ideas on evolution. You are always welcome to leave a message if you have any comments or suggestions.